
: on the run again

due to my hand injury and surgery i won't be back on a bike till at least march. i've been going stir crazy cause it's been almost 2 months since i've done anything active. monday i got the ok to start running which i'm thrilled about. i need to get back into shape and lose some of this "i've done nothing in 2 months" gut i've developed! yesterday an alumni cross country race was held at ehhs and i took part in the event. i placed 6th with a time in the 24 minute range. hell, that's really slow for me but not bad for being totally out of shape with a bulky soft cast on my right arm. it was great to see some old faces, especially my high school coach. it was also a blast from the past to have my dad on the course cheering me on. he used to be a maniac back in the day running all over the course and giving me an encouraging earful at every turn. running on the grueling cross country course that has changed pretty drastically since my days back in the 90's was a challenge, but i will admit i like the old hill better. goodtimes!