saturday adventure photos: click here
: saturday adventures: 12/12/09
t and i were up bright and early yesterday to hit the trails at machimoodus state park. it was 24 degrees out with a 10 degree wind chill making the start of the walk west into the wind pretty brutal! once we got the blood pumping we warmed up pretty fast and the rest of our hour and a half adventure was fun. we looked all over the park as we hiked trying to locate the spot where the christmas tree now standing in gilette castle was cut down, but we had no luck. hmmm? we spotted a monsterous eagle soaring over head which always an awesome site. after our hike we grabbed some delicious food down in essex and sat in the toasty warm car along the connecticut river enjoying our lunch and taking in the sites. such a low key, relaxing day together.
saturday adventure photos: click here
saturday adventure photos: click here